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The Milky Whey

The Milky Whey公司基於乳酪產品趨勢的內幕分析,致力於提供客戶正確的導引;我們行銷以下的產品與原料並可依客戶要求生產。

The Milky Whey 產品名單

Butterfat Options 奶乳脂肪產品
Anhydrous Milkfat 無水的乳脂肪
Butteroil 奶油
Butter, Salted 有鹽奶油
Butter, Unsalted無鹽奶油

Dairy Proteins 牛奶蛋白產品
Acid Casein 酸性酪蛋白
Caseinate, Calcium酪蛋白鈣
Caseinate, Calcium Sodium 酪蛋白鈣鈉
Caseinate, Sodium 酪蛋白鈉
Complete Milk Protein純奶蛋白
Milk Protein Concentrate 42% 蛋白42%之乳蛋白濃縮物
Milk Protein Isolate 奶蛋白分離物
Dry Color Blends 乾彩色混合品
Dry Whipped Toppings 乾生奶油

Dry Milk 奶粉產品
Buttermilk Powder 中脂奶粉
Buttermilk Product 酪乳製品
Nonfat Dry Milk 脫脂奶粉
Whole Milk Powder 全脂奶粉
Dough Conditioners 生麵糰柔軟劑

Whey Products 乳清產品
Lactose 乳糖
Sweet Whey Powder 甜乳清粉
Whey Protein Concentrate 34% 蛋白含量34%之乳清蛋白濃縮物
Whey Protein Concentrate 55% 蛋白含量55%之乳清蛋白濃縮物
Whey Protein Concentrate 80% 蛋白含量80%之乳清蛋白濃縮物
Whey Protein Isolate 乳清蛋白濃縮
Instant Whey Protein Isolate 即溶乳清蛋白粹取
Whey Permeate 去蛋白乳清
De-Proteinized Whey 脫蛋白乳清粉

Specialty Products 本公司特別產品
Butter Power 奶油粉
Cheese Powder 起司粉,乳酪粉
Cream Powder 乳脂粉
Nondairy Creamer 非奶油玉米奶脂
Shortening Powder 起酥油粉
Sour Cream Powder 酸奶油粉
Yogurt Powder 酸乳酪

Dan Finch

Brandon Skarsten
Customer Service Manager
Tel: 406-542-7373
Fax: 406-542-7377
910 Brooks St., Suite 203
Missoula,MT 59801
U. S. A.